The Oily scalp survival guide: Causes, solutions,and the perfect hair care regime!

The Oily scalp survival guide: Causes, solutions,and the perfect hair care regime!

Amidst the varied tales of haunted mansions and supernatural phenomena, there lies an unsettling and all too real terror: the haunting menace known as oily scalp. Let's give you the spoiler: the protagonist is the antagonist too. Well, enough of beating around the bush, and let’s dive deeper to get you well acquainted with oily scalp and its cure. Brace yourself for a journey into the depths of this preventable yet terrorising, hair-concerning enigma.

Have you ever felt the need to wash your hair frequently? Or have you ever noticed your hair appear shiny and oily shortly after washing? Do you feel your head itchy and irritated if you don’t wash your head for a week? Well, if you are nodding your head in affirmation to these signs, welcome to the oily scalp club. But the real trouble is being unaware of the concern and using the wrong methods to cure it, and the worst part is ignoring the problem altogether.

Unlocking the Scientific Mystery

We started with the spoiler that the protagonist here is the antagonist. Let’s discuss that. Our body, which is full of wonders, contains sebaceous glands that secrete a waxy, oily substance known as sebum, which coats the skin and hair with a protective layer of oil meant to protect you from the external elements. It provides the needed moisturization, helps prevent water loss from the skin, helps regulate your health, and protects the skin from bacteria, microbes, and infections.

The face and hair contain the maximum number of sebaceous glands on our body, citing the sensitivity of these regions and the need for extra protection. The sebum (oil) produced on the scalp in general flows down the hair strands and coats them down to the tips, but when this sebum is produced in excess, it causes a buildup on your scalp and hair strands. These extra layers of sebum put the hair in a down situation, making it appear dull and greasy.

Unveiling the Primary Causes

There are several causes that may result in an oily scalp or excessive generation of sebum on your scalp:

  • Genes: As they say, it’s all in the genes, but some problems also get transferred along, like in most cases, if any of your parents has an oily scalp, then the chances are sky high that you too may have an oily scalp.
  • Stress: The hectic schedule of everyday life brings from the depths of your mind a lurking beast called stress that provokes your sebaceous gland to go overdrive and produce an excess amount of oil, resulting in an oily scalp.
  • Unhealthy diet: Consider any worldly problem, and this will always be one problem hidden like a thief. Well, in this case, too much consumption of an unhealthy diet filled with lots of spices and oils while lacking proteins and essential nutrients required for hair also results in an oily scalp and other hair-related problems.
  • Personal hygiene: If you don’t wash your hair frequently for a long period of time, use unwashed hair tools, or don’t care about the bedsheet and pillow covers that you sleep on, then you might feel a greasy and oily scalp.
  • Scalp infections: If you have scalp infections such as lice, fungus, or bacterial infestations, you must be in the high-risk zone for having an oily scalp.
  • Hormonal fluctuations: If you deal with irregular periods and hormonal dysfunctions, it might also result in that greasy and oily scalp.

Utilising the Natural Remedies

  • Stay hydrated: Consuming a certain amount of water or juice is beneficial, not only for the health, but it also helps make our scalp healthy and might also control the excess production of oil in the scalp.
  • Eat a proper, balanced diet: The food that you eat inside results in the way that you look outside, and this is also true for your scalp. Your hair needs proteins and certain vitamins for its internal strength, so eating a diet that encompasses proteins and vitamins helps get your scalp free from excess oil.
  • Balance your lifestyle: Try to live stress-free as much as possible by maintaining the right balance between your work and personal lives. Try to find time for leisure activities that enhance your mood and make you feel better. When stress levels surge, sebum production follows, and ultimately you get a scalp with excess oil. That’s why it is encouraged to always take a break to rejuvenate your mind and body.
  • Good sleep: While we sleep, our body relaxes and goes on a self-repair process to prepare for the next day. It combats the damage caused by external factors and makes you healthy. Therefore, ensure yourself a good sleep at night by making yourself wear comfortable night clothes and sleeping in a happy mood.
  • Exercising: Well, you must have heard a lot of benefits of exercising. Add one more, as it also helps in solving your unhealthy scalp issue. While you exercise, your body gets a serotonin boost, which results in the proper circulation of blood within your scalp and keeps your hair growth intact. Engage yourself in relaxation techniques such as deep meditation, yoga, or deep breathing exercises that can help reduce stress and promote the overall well-being of your body and hair.
  • Avoid over styling: You should at once stop using those excessive heat styling tools for grooming your hair and indeed try setting your hair with a clean comb. Also, avoid touching your scalp on a regular basis, as it can lead to a greasy scalp.

Unleashed- Ideal Hair Care Products and Regime to Follow

We at TNW understand the troubles that an oily scalp causes and the consequences that it may cause if not paid suitable heed to. Therefore, with our natural ingredient-enriched products, we strive to help you manage your oily scalp with ease and provide superior hair care to help you get rid of all such hair problems efficiently. 

Let’s dive deep into our step-by-step suggestions for managing an oily scalp:

  1. Oiling your scalp: with a natural ingredient-enriched oil can be beneficial as it improves the health of your scalp. You can use TNW’s anti-dandruff hair oil, enriched with natural ingredients such as Tea tree oil, Neem oil, Bhringraj oil, and red onion extract that provide your hair with sufficient nourishment, detoxify your scalp, and improve overall hair health. Together, they help relieve dandruff and itchiness. You can try using it twice or three times a week before washing your hair for the best results.
  2. Shampoo to the rescue: Washing your hair with shampoo formulated to treat an oily scalp will work wonders. It will not only help reduce dirt, dust, and other impurities from your scalp but also make sure you follow good hair hygiene.

You can use TNW’s Tea-Tree shampoo, which comes with the goodness of Tea tree oil, Neem, Lemon, and Vitamin E. It helps relieve your scalp from dandruff and provides nourishment not only to your hair and scalp but also to your hair follicles. It is also rich in anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and antiseptic properties that fight off dandruff-causing bacteria and infections. You can use this shampoo whenever you wash your hair to manage your oily scalp in a much better way.

  1. Hair conditioning: You can use Hair conditioners after washing your hair with shampoo. Just look for a shampoo formulated for oily hair. Apply conditioner to your hair to provide added nutrition, avoiding the scalp as much as possible to provide your hair with nutrition. This helps prevent additional buildup on the scalp while providing hydration where it is needed. You can use TNW’s Banana Hair Conditioner, which provides your hair with nutritional nourishment, making it soft and shiny. We suggest you decide to condition your hair after washing according to the way your hair responds to it.
  2. Hair serums: Applying serums to your hair can make it naturally soft, silky, and healthy. It helps by adding additional bounce to your tresses, but you should always refer to the product ingredient and packaging, and if it is deemed fit for an oily scalp, then only use the hair serum. You can opt for TNW’s Black Seed Hair Serum, which not only makes your hair smooth and manageable but also ensures end-to-end protection and goodness for your hair. After washing your hair, it is quite imperative to use hair serums, as they reduce the chances of further damage due to blow-drying, pollution, heating, or bad weather.

After these traditional hair care routines, you can also strengthen your hair care routine by using hair masks such as TNW’s Amla Bhringraj Hair Mask, which heals and nourishes your hair to make it strong, shiny, and beautiful. This hair mask is made of natural ingredients like Bhringraj, Amla, and Shikakai, which ultimately help smooth dull and damaged hair. It also nourishes hair strands and reduces breakage. Applying this mask will give you bouncy and beautiful hair, and the best part is that this mask is suitable for all hair types.

Also, you can check out TNW’s range of hair care products enriched with the goodness of natural ingredients that tick off all your hair woes with flying colours and enter your hair care regimen smoothly.

The Ultimate Takeaway

Managing an oily scalp doesn’t need to be a daunting task. With the proper approach and a persistent hair care regimen, you can get rid of excess oil and get a healthy scalp. Just choose the right products, wash your hair regularly, focus on your scalp, avoid heat-based styling products, and most importantly, maintain a healthy lifestyle. The approach should be positive with enough space for patience, as you will have to explore a lot of products to find the ultimate hair care regime for you.

If the issue persists even after following all these tips, don’t hesitate to seek help from a hair care professional or dermatologist.


Q: Why does my scalp produce excessive oil?

Your scalp produces an oil known as sebum, which acts as a natural protector for your hair. But certain internal or external factors, such as genetics, hormonal change, or pollution, can lead to the overproduction of sebum, resulting in an oily scalp.

Q: How do I know whether my scalp is oily or not?

You can understand this just by noticing some behavioural change such as your hair starting to appear shiny shortly after washing or you find a need to wash your hair often.

Q: Can washing my hair frequently also result in an oily scalp?

Yes, it can result in an oily scalp. Since washing your hair strips away oil from the scalp, to maintain this lost quantity, your hair starts producing more sebum. Therefore, it is advised to maintain a proper balance for your hair washing regimen. Don’t wash too often or with too long gaps.

Q: Do lifestyle choices affect scalp oil production?

Yes, it plays a major role in affecting your scalp's health. Managing your stress level keeps your body at ease and helps balance the amount of oil required to maintain normal body functions.

Q: Can using conditioner make my oily scalp worse?

Conditioner should be applied focusing on the length and ends of your hair rather than directly on the scalp, as direct application may result in additional oil on your scalp. But using a conditioner is healthier for your hair as it provides the necessary hydration; therefore, you should use conditioner, but with a bit of precaution.

Q: Can my dietary choices also affect my scalp's health?

Yes, it does cause your scalp to get oilier if you don’t consume a properly balanced diet consisting of all the nutrients. As this provides natural nourishment to your hair follicles, a lack of which may affect your scalp.

Q: Are there any specific ingredients that I should look for in hair products for oily scalps?

You should look for products containing ingredients like Tea tree oil, Ginger oil, Lemon, and mint. You can check out TNW’s range of hair care products enriched with these.

Q: When should I consult a hair care professional?

Once you have tried all the home remedies and various hair care products for an oily scalp, but the issue persists, you should for sure consult a dermatologist or hair care professional.

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