Jade Roller- The Massage Your Skin Needs!

Jade Roller- The Massage Your Skin Needs!

We all know skincare is important. But finding the correct skincare is also necessary—one of the reasons why beauty blogs are important. Someone entirely new to skincare might end up using a scrub on their face and do nothing in the follow-up. Leaving their pores open, giving an invitation for pimples to appear on their skin.

Hence, it becomes important to read beauty blogs; your concern and efforts toward skincare will do more harm than good. Here is a short guide on using a jade roller and rose gold oil on your face.

Why is Jade Roller good for your skin?

Jade rollers are not new. Like other mysterious stone tools, this dates back to Seventh Century China! Jade rollers have been around for about 14 centuries! But they have been a hype lately thanks to the recognition on social media.

Jade Roller

But what is a jade roller? They are nothing but rollers made from jade or other crystals meant to be used on your face. Jade rollers massage your face. Their shape and the angle you use help stimulate the lymph nodes and drain toxins and fluids built up to show a visible reduction in puffiness. It also helps increase blood circulation, making your face look brighter and firmer. In the longer-term, jade rollers help reduce excess face fat and give your face a sculpted look.

How to use a Jade Roller?

Now, this is a very crucial part of the blog. But before you start using the roller, you must keep a few things in mind. Always keep your roller in the fridge. The stones give the best results if they are cool.

Before using the roller, make sure you clean your face thoroughly. And never use the stone by itself. Always apply oil or serum on your face to aid a smoother roll over your face.

There are two sides to the roller. Choose the smaller side for smaller areas like your eye and nose bridge. The bigger side is for the jawline, cheeks and forehead. And be gentle. Don't force the stone too hard on your face. You want a massage, not a bruise.

Jade Roller Benefits


And remember, "center to out".

Always follow the direction of the center to outwards and always follow the face's natural contour. For each feature of your face, 10-20 rolls should do the work. But remember, this is not achieved in one day; consistency is the key. Keep using it every day. Else you will be back to square one.

Pair your jade roller with TNW Rose Gold Oil

As mentioned earlier, always apply oil or moisturizer on your face before using the roller. So while we are at it, why not use some oil that provides better skin benefits? We would recommend pairing your rolling session with TNW Rose Gold Oil.

Rose gold oil not only deeply moisturizes your skin but also acts as a natural sunscreen. Its unique formula of rose oil, argan oil, grapeseed oil, and apricot oil helps create a protective layer against sunlight. The gold leaf extract provides a subtle, flawless glow to your skin. TNW's rose gold oil is the best pairing for your jade rolling session.


  Jade Roller BenefitsRose Gold Oil with Jade Roller

Best night time skincare

Jade rolling is recommended to be used in the morning. It makes a lot of sense as the face gets very puffy while we sleep. But what about night time? Should there be a night time skincare regime? There most definitely should. Before retiring for the night, remove all the makeup and wash your face thoroughly.

Apply a nice layer of night cream on your face and hands and some eye cream. A small amount of toner is also recommended. That should set YouTube for a good night.

In the end, it all comes down to this. Do not ignore skincare, it is crucial for your skin, especially with the rise in pollution and UV radiation. Have you got to protect the body's trophy, right?

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