Debunked: 7 Common Misconceptions About Natural Hair

Debunked: 7 Common Misconceptions About Natural Hair

The natural hair commentary and hair practices are often laced with myths, misconceptions, and disagreements. In recent years, the hair movement has taken off where people have been embracing and celebrating natural hair ignoring all textures and lengths.

Today we're here to resolve seven common myths that revolve around natural hair. 

  1. All oils work like magic

    A central myth for hair is that every oil can work on normal hair. Yet, this is a gigantic myth because of the way that only one out of every odd oil can assist with saturating hair and give it that sparkling look that you might need. Truth be told, oils can do the inverse. They can take the supplements in your hair and strip away the dampness leaving your hair feeling dry. Therefore, carefully check the requirements of your hair and choose the hair oil accordingly.

  2. Cutting the hair 

    Most likely the most fantastic hair fantasy out there, exposed just by checking out the study of hair. Hair develops from the follicles present on the scalp; consequently, trimming hair strands doesn't do with the root they grow. While searching for a straightforward, snappy method for adding length, think about hair expansions, as this additionally permits you to play with your look. 

  3. Do not pluck your grey hair strands.

    While it might seem like when you pluck out one strand of grey hair, a ton more appear. However, specialists (and science) say pulling the grey hairs isn't the reason for their duplication. Dark or white hair happens when the color in the follicles expires, which is generally a hereditary event. Clipping the silver hair as opposed to culling can help for a brief time, as does a fast root color work. However, embrace the greys and leave them alone to keep your hair solid.

  4. Brush as many times as you can

    Brushing your hair time after time, with a lot of power or with an inadequately planned hairbrush, can cause breakage and cuticle harm and likewise cause your hair to look and feel crimped. Brush your hair enough to streamline tangles and bunches. There is no need to do it hundreds of times. 

  5. Split ends self-heal

    Regardless of what a few items promote, split ends can't be fixed. A split or harmed end happens when the hair's external defensive layer (fingernail skin) is harmed, so it truly is impossible to heal it. Trimming or managing split closures will give the hair a fuller look, compensating for any length lost. The natural hair will grow back better and healthier. 

  6. Letting the hair loose while you sleep works

    No, it doesn't! Tying or wrapping your hair up before resting forestalls breakage or harm. In any case, you don't need an awkward bun or pigtail. Tie your hair enough, so it keeps intact but doesn't pull at the scalp. At times a touch of leave-in conditioner can assist with fixing the hair and give it additional sparkle for the following day.

  7. Washing your hair too often 

    Here is a simple thumb rule – wash your hair when it demands. Itchy scalp, dryness, oil, and sweat are signs that your hair needs a wash


These were seven myths about hair care people often tend to follow. However, these are just false notions, and you do not need to get influenced by them. 

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